Saturday, February 21, 2009

नमस्ते जी

हाँ तोह भाई श्रीमान और श्रीमती,

अगर आप कभी बगीचे में गए हों तोह आपको ज़रूर एक फूल दिखा होगा। इस फूल को आप लोगों ने तोर कर सवार होगा या किसी प्रेमी उर्फ़ प्रेमिका को दे दिया होगा। क्या आप जानते हैं के "फूल" शब्द किस अक्षर से शुरू होता है?

वोह अक्षर है "फ"

Okay that was fun :) , The hindi font is really smart. Anyway so here's a fun little experiment.

Say the word "फूल" out loud. If you're saying "Fool" then you need some hindi lessons. For those who know the correct pronunciation of the first syllable, here's something to do.

Try and write फूल in english and try to spell it in a way to recreate the perfect pronunciation of "फूल"।
I was quite amazed to find out that one cannot recreate that particular syllable sound in english. There seem to be no combination of letters that produce that sound when pronounced together.

Quite random but yet amazing don't you think ?..... Oh btw, this particular discovery has been running in my head for about 3 weeks now.. Today when I actually got myself to write about it , I discovered that there is a way in which you can reproduce the sound... Try figuring out how and leave ur comments :)


RBT said...

ah... not sure what you are getting at here... i was able to recreate the word in hindi using the combination "ph"

Sameer Maira said...


'ph' is pronounced as "fuh" as in phonetic, phantom ,phenomenal.. It's not the same sound as the hindi pronunciation for flower.